Knowledge from current scientific research confirms the validity of collagen supplementation. Studies show that taking this protein orally stimulates the synthesis of endogenous collagen and can improve skin firmness and elasticity, strengthen hair and nails, and reduce cellulite.
Daily Collagen has been clinically and laboratory tested.
Our product contains only one ingredient - Verisol® bovine collagen peptide (hydrolyzed collagen), containing a unique composition of amino acids: glycine, proline and lysine. These are the most important amino acids found in the collagen helix.
It is amino acids that are responsible for the synthesis of collagen in the body. They can be found in products such as: animal and fish meat, eggs, hemp seeds, quinoa, red Goji berries, nuts, chickpeas, milk and in Verisol® collagen-based supplements.
Modern lifestyle, increasing environmental pollution and poorer quality of food cause inflammation, oxidative stress, glycation process to occur in our bodies, collagenase activity increases, leading to faster destruction of collagen. We also absorb fewer and fewer nutrients, yet we need them to build the body's defense barrier against external factors. Changes in our diet (moving from eating meat to a plant-based diet) also cause a deficit of amino acids needed for the production of collagen, the protein of youth.
Daily Collagen - Verisol® bovine collagen hydrolyzate contains these valuable amino acids.
The most dominant amino acid is glycine, which plays a key role in collagen synthesis. It improves skin firmness, rebuilds and strengthens the intestinal mucosa, which helps in the absorption of nutrients. Glycine also ensures restful sleep and improves mood.
In turn, proline directly affects the process of producing new collagen fibers. It is also important for maintaining the appropriate level of skin hydration thanks to its ability to bind water. It has a beneficial effect on the health of joints, tendons and cartilage. Its very important effect is also that it makes the walls of the arteries more flexible, which directly affects the functioning of the circulatory system.
However, lysine contributes to the production of collagen, which is responsible for, among others, for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.
Oral use of products containing VERISOL® affects collagen metabolism in the dermis, where collagen peptides are recognized by fibroblast cells. The effect is to increase the production of collagen in the extracellular matrix, thus inhibiting the loss of youth protein due to aging and the influence of environmental factors.
A study conducted on 69 women aged 35 to 55 showed that VERISOL® improves skin elasticity by up to 15% compared to the placebo group. This effect could be observed only after 4 weeks of supplementation and lasted for the next 8 weeks.
Another study conducted on 100 women aged 45 to 65 years showed that taking VERISOL® significantly reduces the visibility of wrinkles after 4 weeks of use and leads to a significant increase in collagen in the skin.
In turn, a study conducted on 105 women aged 25 to 50 years showed that daily oral intake of VERISOL® significantly reduces the cellulite index. VERISOL® has a beneficial effect on the extracellular matrix of the skin and restores the proper structure of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Taking collagen also reduced skin waviness (so-called orange peel). The first effects were visible after 3 months, but more pronounced after 6 months.
Collagen supplementation has also shown in studies to reduce the problem of brittle and/or splitting nails after 2 months of use, achieving a 42% improvement after 6 months.
Research was also performed to determine the optimal amount of the supplement taken daily. Collagen hydrolyzate with a higher content of bioactive collagen peptides (above 5g) showed greater effectiveness in moisturizing the facial skin, its elasticity and reducing wrinkles than those below 5g.
Daily Collagen has been microbiologically tested for the presence of: Salmonella, Escherichia coli, microorganisms, mold and yeast. Their presence has not been detected in the product.
Tests were also carried out for the presence of heavy metals and compounds: cadmium, lead, mercury, PAHs, BpA. Their presence has not been detected in the product.
Our supplement is a non-allergenic product (non-allergenic food), which has also been confirmed by research.
Przyznam że nawet nie byłam świadoma efektów, dopiero u fryzjera zobaczyłam ile mam baby hair, aż fryzjerka nie mogła wyjść z podziwu!
Zauważyłam pierwsze efekty po drugim opakowaniu: włosy nie wypadają oraz są miękkie i dobrze się układają. I co najlepsze: mniej bolą mnie kolana!
Do zakupu przekonało mnie to, że produkt jest bezsmakowy i tak łatwy w suplementacji. Nie mogłam znieść w innych produktach posmaku wołowego czy rybiego. Kawa smakuje tak samo a ja czekam na efekty!
To bardzo dobry produkt o świetnym składzie, ma wszystko co potrzeba do syntezy kolagenu. Piję i polecam moim klientom.
Efekty zauważyłam po drugim opakowaniu. Bardzo wzmocniły się paznokcie i skóra stała się promienna. Na pewno kupię kolejne opakowanie.
Zauważyłam że mam skórę mega nawilżoną, a nie stosuję żadnych kremów czy balsamów, a zawsze o tej porze roku była bardzo przesuszona. Jestem zachwycona!
Od prawie 2 lat mam problem z łamliwymi paznokciami, po drugim opakowaniu kolagenu zauważyłam że w końcu mogę zapuścić silne i długie paznokcie. Poza tym mam pełno baby hairów, świetny produkt!
Właśnie jestem po wizycie u fryzjera, zauważyłam sporo baby hair, mówiłam o tym kolagenie, że pierwszy którego nie zapominam brać i widzę konkretne efekty.
Dość długo borykałem się z suchością skóry w trakcie zimy. Od kiedy suplementuje Daily Collagen problem zniknął.
Mam zdecydowanie lepszą strukturę skóry. Ogólnie mega jest ten proszek - nie lubię proszków, ale Daily Collagen wsypuję sobie do kawy i nic nie czuję! Jest super. Nie spodziewałam się takiej innowacji! Mam wielką nadzieję, że jak będę brała dłużej, to przestanie mnie boleć kolano.